Get Started With Responsive Web Design

The technology is progressing ahead at huge pace, and almost every month various new electronic gadgets get launched in the international market, and one of those gadgets is a smartphone. In-fact smartphone is one of the most ‘in-demand’ products, as it provides the user with a flexibility to use high speed internet on the go and stay in touch with his family and friends via email and other mobile applications such as whatsapp, and also let him browse through websites that are useful to him. However, for web designers it is one of the difficult tasks to cope up with as every other mobile phone, computer and laptop has different screen size, which makes it difficult for him to design a compatible website. This is where the need for ‘Responsive Web Design’ comes.

A Responsive Web Design is something which plays a crucial role in the success of a website. A few years back, web designers never used to consider mobile phones, tablets and different screens while designing a website, as only a few numbers of people used to carry them. However, the situation is totally opposite now, and hardly there are only a few numbers of people who might not have a mobile phone or tablet to access internet, therefore, every website design should be responsive in nature, which eventually means that it should be able to get fit into any screen size be it a 3 inch mobile phone screen or a 19 inch desktop screen.

To make a responsive web design, the web designer must have three way approach in which he need to focus on flexible grid, flexible images and media queries. So let us begin with the Grid system and Background images.

Grid system and background images

Have you ever seen an online magazine? If not, then view it on your laptop or desktop and then try to view it on your smartphone, most probably you will see that the website’s size doesn’t fit in your mobile phone screen. That is because generally, magazine websites are not made using grid system. Therefore, to turn the design into a responsive web design, you need to implement the grid system and to make the layout flexible, the measurements should not be given in pixels, and instead you should use percentage. For example; if you keep the value of width as 50%, it will always be half of the screen the website is being viewed on, regardless of the screen size, and that is where flexible and responsive web design begins from.

If you have a plan to use an image in the background, then you need to select the appropriate image or else you might end up wasting your time because photographs, vectors or any other images which can’t be tiled are not the appropriate ones to be used with fluid grid system. In addition to this, don’t use horizontal gradients either as they don’t scale well horizontally, the texture border also looks terrible. If there is something you can use easily and without any doubt then it is texture only, which is easy to tile such as grunge, grain, etc.

Trim down everything

While using the responsive approach to make web designs, you need to trim down everything be it the width or height of the web design. Therefore, always try to use web elements in such a way that if the user has a small browser width he’ll still be able to view everything available on that page, and this could be easily achieved if you use a flexible wrapper made in percent rather than pixels.

Media Queries for desktop, iPhone and iPad

In general, media queries refer to the layout of the website and decide how it is going to be on the platform you are designing for. The main problem of web designers it that they do not consider different types of mobile phone screen sizes while designing and only stick to the desktop and iPad screen sizes, and because of these modules the user face problems while accessing the website on mobile phones. Therefore, to make all the modules work according to the different screen sizes, the design has to be flexible, and this could be easily achieved or done by using the media queries in the right manner.

By now you must have understand how crucial your web design is in making the website successful by attracting a lot of web users via responsive web design and providing them with what they actually look for.

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